3+ How to make tofu stuffed with tomato sauce for a nutritious summer day


Summer is getting closer and closer. Fast, simple, easy-to-cook and easy-to-cook dishes will appear more and more on the rice tray. And perhaps, tofu stuffed with tomato sauce is a dish that will be used a lot in the summer lunch tray. A dish that is both soft, delicious, rich in flavor and rich in nutritional value that anyone can use. So do housewives know how to prepare this delicious dish? Let’s discover together with thucphamkho how to make tofu stuffed with tomato sauce for a more nutritious summer day.

1. Tofu stuffed with tomato sauce is what?

Tofu stuffed with meat with tomato sauce (or tofu stuffed with meat with tomato sauce) is a simple and pure dish for summer days. It is known that this dish is made from very rustic ingredients such as tofu, minced pork and tomatoes. With only a few ingredients, it creates an extremely delicious, flavorful and nutritious dish for a hot summer day.
Tofu stuffed with meat with tomato sauce is a fast food, a favorite of young children or the elderly. Above all, when eating this dish, the body can still fully absorb the nutrition from the accompanying additive ingredients. Many women are busy all day with work, and at night think about what to eat today? Then perhaps, tofu stuffed with meat is the dish that you should use in your dinner menu with little time to cook.
Then don’t let them wait any longer. Let’s discover 3 ways to make tofu stuffed with tomato sauce for a cool summer day.

See more: What is good to cook wood ear? View delicious dishes from wood ear

2. How to make tofu stuffed with tomato sauce for summer days more nutritious?

2.1 Tofu stuffed with sweet and sour sauce


Preparation materials:
  • 5-7 pieces of golden fried tofu
  • 150g minced pork
  • 100g wood ear mushrooms
  • 3 spoons of sugar
  • 1 sprig of finely chopped scallions
  • 100ml white vinegar
  • 80ml fish sauce
  • Seasoning + seasoning + main noodles + ground pepper
  • Using a knife, cut a thin line in the middle of the tofu to split it in half
  • Mushrooms are soaked in cold water to soften mushrooms
  • Pick up the mushrooms, use scissors, cut off the bottom of the mushrooms, let the mushrooms drain
  • Put the wood ear on a cutting board, mince the wood ear very small
  • Minced pork is put in a bowl with 1 spoon of seasoning + 1 spoon of MSG + 1 spoon of MSG + 1 spoon of fish sauce + 1/2 teaspoon of ground pepper + minced wood ear. Mix up. Leave for about 5 minutes for the seasoning to infuse the minced pork
  • Put 3 tablespoons of sugar in a bowl with 100ml of white vinegar + 80ml of fish sauce + 2 tablespoons of noodles. Mix well together
  • Wear plastic gloves, pick up the meat, stuff it in the tofu (do it evenly until you run out of stuff, then stop)
  • Put the pan on the stove, add cooking oil, when the oil is hot, put tofu stuffed with meat and fry on medium heat until it’s cooked
  • Human nine hunt again. Pour in the sweet and sour sauce you just made
  • While frying, turn them over to avoid burning. Do it gently so the meat will not fall out
  • Fry with low heat for 10 minutes until the sauce dries up and penetrates deep into the tofu and meat
  • Turn off the stove, put the finished product on a plate. Sprinkle scallions on top and enjoy while still hot
Good luck!

2.2 Tofu stuffed with meat and soy sauce


  • 5-7 pieces of tofu (tofu)
  • 100g minced pork
  • 1/2 purple onion, minced
  • 1/2 carrot, minced
  • 3 small sliced tomatoes
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 sprig of finely chopped scallions
  • 2 tablespoons cooking oil
  • 100ml water
  • Seasoning + seasoning + main noodles + ground pepper
  • Using a knife, cut the tofu into pieces about 5cm long
  • Grind minced pork with carrots + shallots
  • Using a knife, cut the tofu in half
  • Wearing plastic gloves, stuffing the meat inside the cut tofu (do it evenly until all ingredients are used up)
  • Heat cooking oil in a pan
  • Add tofu stuffed with meat and cook until the tofu turns golden
  • Use a new pan. Add tomatoes + soy sauce to the island and stir together
  • Stir continuously with low heat so that the tomato puree dissolves with the soy sauce
  • Add seasoning + seasoning + main noodles + ground pepper + 100ml of water to the tomato juice mixture. Stir well and taste to taste
  • Tomato juice mix just right. Gently place each piece of stuffed tofu into the tomato sauce mixture
  • Stew for 5-10 minutes for the tofu to cook and fully absorb the flavor (just stew, just flip slightly so that both sides of the tofu absorb the sauce)
  • After stewing for enough time, gently take each piece of tofu into a bowl, pour the tomato sauce and soy sauce into the bowl
  • Sprinkle scallions on top and enjoy while still hot

2.3 Traditional stuffed tofu with tomato sauce


Materials for making:
  • 250g fresh tofu
  • 250g minced pork
  • 1 chicken egg
  • 1 purple onion, minced
  • 2 garlic bulbs, minced
  • 2 tomatoes, chopped
  • 1 sprig of finely chopped scallions
  • 2 tablespoons cooking oil
  • 100ml water
  • Seasoning + seasoning + main noodles + ground pepper
  • Buy tofu, wash and put in boiling water for about 5 minutes to soften tofu
  • Remove the tofu, drain the water. Cut the tofu into pieces about 5cm long
  • Using a knife, cut the tofu in half
  • Put minced pork in a bowl, mix with red onion + minced garlic
  • Wearing plastic gloves, stuffing the minced pork mixture into each piece of tofu with the intestines cut in half
  • Heat the cooking oil, when the oil is hot, put each piece of tofu stuffed with meat and fry until golden and fragrant
  • In a small bowl, mix together tomato + seasoning + main noodles + ground pepper + 100ml water
  • Put the tomato sauce mixture in the pan with the cooked tofu
  • Bring to a boil over low heat. Stir well until the tomato sauce is thick and fully absorbed into each piece of tofu
  • Taste to see if the sauce is just right for you
  • If you are satisfied, turn off the heat, gently pour all ingredients and sauce into a bowl
  • Sprinkle scallions on top, enjoy while still hot

3. Conclude

Above is a detailed culinary corner article, meticulously talking about tofu stuffed with meat with tomato sauce, soy sauce, sweet and sour sauce that Dry Food wants to send to readers. All three of these delicious dishes, are made in a very simple, easy way, and especially do not take too much time. The average estimate for each dish is only about 60 minutes. Hopefully, with the above 3 stuffed tofu dishes, you will have a more diverse and nutritious menu for the upcoming hot summer day.
Good luck ladies!
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