Summary of ways to make flower tea in the right way, delicious and delicious


How to make flower tea recently is being searched by many people. Own your own flower tea products but don’t know how to make it for the right taste? So today, through the article below, Dung Ha Dry Food will suggest to readers all the ways to make flower tea of each type.

1. How to make delicious flower tea with the right taste

To get a delicious and nutritious drink, the first thing you do is to buy quality reputable flower tea. On the market today, there are many places selling flower tea, but sometimes I am not knowledgeable, it is easy to be deceived. You only buy flower tea at stores, supermarkets, dry goods, clean agricultural products in the area where you live.


After you find and buy flower tea, next you will have to learn how to break flower tea properly and properly. So today, the following article we will answer that question for you right now. Follow along:

1.1 How to make flower tea

1.1.1 What is rose tea?

Hoa Hoa tea is a 100% pure preparation made from pure fresh flowers without any harmful preservatives. Since ancient times, the plant has been a precious herb widely used in Eastern medicine to treat arthritis, hand and foot pain, and is extremely effective. The flowers will be harvested by the people before they bloom, then they will be dried or dried and made into tea. In our country, you can find lily of the valley anywhere.


1.1.2 Uses of dried rosemary

Dried flowers are both a medicine used in Eastern medicine to treat many diseases such as:

  • Effective hemostasis
  • Regulate stable heart rate
  • Blood pressure stable
  • Treatment of fatty blood, high liver enzymes
  • Against stomach ulcers and spasms
  • Diuretic
  • Stabilize the nervous system, fall into a deep sleep, sleep well
  • Treatment of headaches, migraines, dizziness, numbness of hands and feet
  • Treatment of internal hemorrhoids external hemorrhoids

1.1.3 How to make flower tea

Preparation materials:

  • Dried dandelion: 20 – 30gr
  • Boiling water: 1 liter
  • Teapot

Implementation steps:

  • Use hot water with a temperature of 90 – 100 degrees Celsius. Pour water into the kettle to rinse the kettle to clean dirt and then pour the water away.
  • Put the flowers into the pot, slowly pour boiling water into it, then steep the tea for about 5 minutes and then discard the water (this step is called washing the tea).
  • Next, pour hot water into the kettle so that 10g of flowers is equivalent to 100ml of water
  • Leave it for about 5-7 minutes for the flowers to settle down
  • Pour into a cup and enjoy each cup of warm tea together

With just a few simple steps, you will have a delicious and refreshing flower tea drink for a hot summer day. To have a delicious drink, you have to find quality flowers.

See more: Buy the best online weight loss fruit tea in September 2022

1.2 How to make dried rose tea

1.2.1 What is dried rose tea?

Dried rose tea is a kind of tea that symbolizes women. Rose tea is trusted by many women because it brings a lot of great beauty benefits. Made entirely from 100% fresh rose buds. The roses are grown, using clean water and licensed fertilizers to harvest quality finished products. Roses were also used by our forefathers a lot in Oriental medicine to cure diseases.


1.2.2 Uses of dried rose tea

According to the Vietnam Nutrition Association. Using about 70g of dried rose tea after meals will help your body prevent some diseases such as:

  • Helps smooth pink and white skin
  • Relieve menstrual pain
  • Promote health for healthy skin, dispel melasma and freckles
  • Acne treatment
  • Reduce anxiety, fatigue, stress, pressure
  • Support weight loss and keep fit
  • Good for the urinary tract, urination is not painful

1.2.3 How to make tea

Preparation materials:

  • Dried rose buds: 12 pieces
  • Hot water: 1 liter

Implementation steps:

  • Choose intact rose buds. Use a sieve, filter to remove the flower debris, only take the intact bud
  • Put each bud into the teapot, pour 250ml of boiled water into it for about 5 minutes and then drain the water away (this is called the process of rinsing the tea to remove dirt).
  • Continue, you pour the rest of the water in and let the tea steep for about 7 minutes, then pour into a cup and enjoy
  • Rose tea has a light pink color, with a faint scent of roses. Tea tastes better when you use it hot or eat it with a cake

See more: [TOP] 5+ best rare teas at Dry Food

1.3 How to make jasmine tea

1.3.1 What is jasmine tea?

Jasmine tea is a familiar tea in Vietnamese life. The perfect combination of organic tea and jasmine flowers to create a healthy drink. This tea is very suitable for those who prefer a slow lifestyle. The process of harvesting as well as creating a delicious and nutritious drink will require a lot of accompanying factors.


1.3.2 Uses of dried jasmine tea

Jasmine tea can be found in abundance in the market. This is also a delicious, nutritious tea and contains a lot of nutritional values that are beneficial to health. Using about 100g of dried jasmine tea will give you many benefits such as:

  • The mild scent of green tea will help your mind become clear, reduce stress and anxiety
  • Lose weight prevent obesity
  • Protects heart health from harmful agents
  • Reduce bad LDL cholesterol in the blood to a safe level
  • Treatment of colds and flu-related illnesses
  • Support the treatment of type 2 diabetes
  • Prevent acne, melasma, crow’s feet on cheeks
  • Against bacteria that cause stomach disease, acute diarrhea, …

1.3.3 How to make tea

Preparation materials:

  • Dried jasmine: 15g
  • Boiled water: 1 liter
  • Teapot

How to do it step by step:

  • Put 150ml of boiled water into a warm coated teapot to clean the dirt
  • Put 15g of dried jasmine flowers into the kettle and pour about 350ml of boiling water into it, steep the tea for 5 minutes and then pour the water away.
  • Finally, pour in 500ml of boiled water for about 7 minutes, then pour into a glass and enjoy
  • The result is a delicious, nutritious, original jasmine tea that retains the essence of dried jasmine flowers

1.4 How to make alum sugar chrysanthemum tea

1.4.1 What is alum sugar chrysanthemum tea?

Chamomile tea with alum sugar is a premium tea, delicious and nutritious. This tea is a perfect combination of two main ingredients: “top row chrysanthemum with rock sugar”. This tea often appears in the traditional Tet holidays or early morning. Sipping 1-2 cups of warm tea in the morning combined with delicious and nutritious biscuits is something you should try once.


1.4.2 Uses of chamomile tea with rock sugar

Dung Ha alum sugar chrysanthemum tea has a strong traditional aroma, creating a refreshing drink for the body. The combination of chamomile and rock sugar will be a great remedy to help you treat a number of diseases such as:

  • Cool liver detoxifies the liver, protects the liver from harmful effects from alcohol and tobacco
  • Help your eyes always bright, healthy, prevent eye strain
  • Reduce abdominal pain on red light day
  • Preventing colon, stomach, prostate cancer…
  • Dilates blood vessels, making it easier to fall asleep
  • Cure colds

1.4.3 How to make tea

Preparation materials:

  • 2 capsules of chamomile tea with rock sugar
  • Boiled water: 1 liter
  • Teapot

Implementation steps:

  • You give the first water to rinse the teapot inside
  • Because it is in the form of tablets, you give about 2-3 tablets depending on your preferences
  • Put alum sugar chrysanthemum tea into the kettle, pour boiling water into it, and then brew the tea for about 15 minutes to dissolve the tea into the water.
  • Open the lid of the teapot, stir well to mix the rock sugar with the tea water

1.5 How to make butterfly pea flower tea

1.5.1 What is butterfly pea flower tea?

Butterfly pea flower tea is also known as organic green tea. This tea does not contain caffeine, so it is very good for health. All parts of the butterfly pea plant can be used and each part will perform a different task. But perhaps, the butterfly pea flower contains the most nutritional value, so it is used the most. In order to easily use and absorb all nutrients, butterfly pea flowers are often dried or dried to make butterfly pea flower tea.


1.5.2 Uses of butterfly pea flower tea

The use of butterfly pea flower is very good for health. Especially, the tea made from butterfly pea flower also brings a lot of benefits that you cannot expect such as:

  • Treating graying, baldness, stimulating hair growth
  • Relieve headache and reduce fever quickly
  • Protect eye health, treat retinal damage, poor and weak eyes
  • Strengthen the body’s resistance
  • Improve memory and brain function
  • Control blood sugar
  • Prevention of depression

1.5.3 How to make tea

Preparation materials:

  • 10 dried butterfly pea flowers
  • 30ml honey
  • 1 liter of boiled water
  • Teapot

Implementation steps:

  • Put 10 butterfly pea flowers in a glass. Pour water to cover the butterfly pea flowers, proceed to wash the butterfly pea flowers to remove dirt and then drain the water to take the part
  • Put the butterfly pea flower that has just been soaked into the teapot and then pour water to cover the flowers
  • Add 30 ml of honey to the mixer and beat it thoroughly until the honey is dissolved
  • Soak the butterfly pea tea for about 10 minutes before you pour it out and enjoy

2. Conclusion

Above is the article summarizing 5+ ways to make delicious and nutritious flower tea that everyone should refer to. Actually, making tea is very simple, not as difficult as people think. The most important thing to have a delicious and nutritious drink is where to buy ingredients? Purchasing quality materials contributes to 75% of your product quality and your success or failure. All the elements that make up a delicious drink are important and you should not skip any of the steps!
Wish you always success and have yourself many delicious drinks.


3. Contact Information

Customers can find and buy the above teas through Dung Ha Development Joint Stock Company.
Any complaints about the quality and service attitude of the sales staff. Please contact us immediately via the hotline: 1900 986865 (Support 24/24h).
Branches looking to buy flower tea have:
  • National wholesale and retail warehouse of all kinds of flower tea: No. 11 Kim Dong – Giap Bat Street – Hoang Mai District – Hanoi City
  • Retail branch in Hanoi: A10 – Alley 100 – Trung Kinh Street – Yen Hoa Ward – Cau Giay District – Hanoi City
  • Retail and wholesale branch in Ho Chi Minh: No. 02/B Quarter 3 – Trung My Tay Street 13 – District 12 – Ho Chi Minh City



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