[Cooking corner] What does dried radish make to supplement nutrients?


What is a delicious dish with dried radish is a question that many women are interested in. Dried radish is very chewy, delicious and crunchy. To be able to enjoy their deliciousness, you should make them into dishes. There are many delicious dishes from dried radish that you can make. These dishes, you are very easy to make them in just a glance. Follow Dung Ha Dry Food in the kitchen to find out what delicious and nutritious radishes can make!

1. Uses of dried radish in life

Dried radish is an ingredient that is used a lot in cooking. They are also sold very strongly in the Vietnamese market. Made entirely from white radish. Therefore, dried radish inherits all the nutrients from white radish. White radish is usually harvested in October – November every year, it will give big tubers, the most nutritious quality. During this time, if processed into dried radish, the value they bring to farmers is extremely high.


As long as you use about 100g of dried radish, they will give you a lot of valuable nutrients such as:

  • Energy: 32Kcal
  • Fiber: 8%
  • Niacin: 4%
  • Pryridoxine (B6): 20%
  • Riboflavin B2: 7.5%
  • Thiamine B1: 6%
  • Vitamin A: 386%
  • Vitamin C: 100%
  • Vitamin K: 209%
  • Potassium: 6%
  • Calcium: 19%
  • Bronze: 39%
  • Iron: 14%
  • Magnesium: 8%
  • Manganese: 12%

It can be seen that the vitamin content in dried radish is many times higher than that of taro, pineapple, broccoli, cauliflower, … Therefore, dried radish is also considered as an extremely good herb. in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • Traditional Chinese medicine for respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, cough, expectorant, antibacterial,…
  • Prevent stomach cancer
  • Improves bone strength, helps bones grow strong and healthy
  • Enhance eyesight
  • Supplement blood, prevent anemia, protect heart health
  • Good for the digestive system

To absorb these nutrients, let’s go to the kitchen to find out what dried radishes do!

2. What are the delicious and nutritious dishes of dried radish?

2.1 Stir-fried dried radish with garlic

Preparation materials:

  • Dried radish: 500g
  • Garlic: 3 branches
  • Ground pepper: 1 teaspoon
  • Cooking oil: 2 tablespoons
  • Condiments: Seasoning, main noodles

Implementation steps:

  • Dried radish is soaked in warm water to make it soft and easy to process
  • Use your hands to squeeze hard to remove the water from the radish. Rinse with clean water again, squeeze out all the water
  • Put it on a cutting board, cut the radish into enough fibers to eat
  • Garlic peeled, washed, minced
  • Put the pan on the stove, put the first 2 spoons to eat, wait for the oil to boil, then add minced garlic and fry until golden
  • When the garlic smells good, add the dried radish and stir-fry. Stir-fry with low heat, stir well to avoid burning
  • Put 1 spoon of seasoning + 1 spoon of seasoning + 1 spoon of MSG into the stir-fried radish and continue to stir-fry
  • Taste to see if it’s to your taste or not
  • If you just turned off the stove, sprinkle the pepper powder on top and scoop out into a bowl and enjoy

2.2 Dried radish mixed sweet and sour

Preparation materials:

  • Seaweed: 5 pieces
  • Dried radish: 200g
  • Minced garlic: 1 teaspoon
  • Green onions: 3 branches
  • Sesame: 1 spoon
  • White vinegar: 3 tablespoons
  • Soy sauce: 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar syrup: 2 tablespoons
  • Fish sauce: 3 tablespoons
  • Chili powder: 2 tablespoons

Implementation steps:

  • Soak radishes with warm water to make them soft and easy to prepare
  • Mix a basin of diluted salt water, let the radishes soak for about 7 minutes. Squeeze out the water in the radish
  • For the radish to be delicious, you soak the radish with the seaweed sheet for about 20 minutes. Remove to drain. Small enough to eat
  • Put a pot of boiling water on the stove, boil over boiling water to cook the beets, pour into a bowl of ice water to keep the radishes crispy.
  • Scallions cut off the roots, pick up damaged leaves, wash, and slice thinly
  • Mix sweet and sour sauce: Put 4 spoons of chili powder + 3 spoons of fish sauce + 2 spoons of sugar syrup + 1 spoon of sesame + 1 spoon of minced garlic + 3 spoons of vinegar + scallions. Use chopsticks to stir these mixtures together. Taste to see if it’s to your taste or not
  • Dried radish for a container, put 2 tablespoons of soy sauce in the bowl. Wear nylon gloves and mix well. Cover with cling film, leave for about 15 minutes to infuse the dried radish with spices
  • Finally, you pour the sweet and sour sauce into the radish, use plastic gloves to mix them together
  • Let it sit for about 10 minutes to infuse the spices, then put it on a plate and enjoy

2.3 Stir-fried dried radish with eggs

Preparation materials:

  • Dried radish: 250g
  • Wood ear: 75gr
  • Chicken eggs: 3 eggs
  • Green onions: 3 branches
  • Minced garlic: 1 teaspoon
  • Cooking oil: 2 tablespoons
  • Seasoning: seasoning, main noodles

Implementation steps:

  • Soak dried radish for 7 minutes in warm water. Squeeze out the water by hand. Rinse under clean running water. Drain, cut into small pieces
  • Soak wood ear with warm water for 5 minutes. Wood ear is soft, expands into fibrous form
  • Crack eggs into a bowl, add 1 tablespoon of fish sauce + spices + main noodles + ground pepper. Using an egg beater, beat the eggs thoroughly until they are mixed with the ingredients
  • Put the pan on the stove, add cooking oil, wait for the oil to boil, then add the minced garlic and fry until golden and fragrant
  • Put the radish in the stir-fry first, add the seasoning + main noodles and stir over medium heat. Taste to see if it’s to your taste or not
  • When the radish is ripe and satisfying to eat, add the wood ear fibers to the island together with the radish
  • Finally, pour the egg mixture just dissolved into the island with the 2 ingredients for about 2 minutes, then turn off the heat. Sprinkle green onions on top.
  • Note: Don’t over-fry it, too much will make the chicken eggs dry
  • Pour onto a plate and enjoy. This dish is delicious when combined with hot rice

2.4 Stir-fried dried radish with pork belly

Preparation materials:

  • Dried radish: 500g
  • Pork belly: 650gr
  • Green onions: 3 branches
  • Ground pepper: 1 teaspoon
  • Cooking oil: 2 tablespoons
  • Fish sauce: 2 tablespoons
  • Oyster oil: 1 tablespoon
  • Condiments: Seasoning, main noodles

Implementation steps:

  • Dried radish is soaked in warm water for about 7 minutes to make the radish soft and easy to prepare
  • Bought pork belly, washed under running water
  • Mix a pot of diluted salt water, put the pork belly in and soak for about 7 minutes to clean the meat and reduce the odor
  • When the radish is finished soaking, squeeze out the water, rinse it under clean running water, squeeze out the water. Chop into small enough fibers to eat
  • The pork belly you pick up and wash it under clean running water. Let the water dry
  • Put pork belly on a cutting board, cut into small pieces just enough to eat
  • Put pork belly in a bowl, add 1 tablespoon oyster sauce + 2 tablespoons fish sauce + spices + monosodium glutamate + ground pepper to pork belly. Mix those mixtures together with the three pork chops
  • Wrap the food in cling film, marinate the meat for about 15 minutes so that the mixed meat penetrates deeply into each cutting board
  • Put the pan on the stove, add cooking oil, wait for the oil to boil, then pour the marinated pork belly on the island and cook for about 15 minutes on low heat.
  • Then, add the dried radish and stir-fry together with the pork belly. Stir well with low heat
  • All ingredients are cooked, sprinkle with scallions, turn off the heat, pour on a plate and enjoy

2.5 Dried radish salad

Preparation materials:

  • Dried radish: 200g
  • Spring rolls: 200gr
  • Coriander, herbs: 1 little
  • Lemon: 1 fruit
  • Chili: 2
  • Sesame: 20g
  • Peanuts: 20g
  • Sugar: 1 teaspoon
  • Soup powder: 1 tablespoon
  • Main noodles: 1/2 teaspoon
  • Fish sauce: 3 tablespoons
  • Minced garlic: 3 branches

Implementation steps:

  • Dried radish soaked in warm water to soften and easy to prepare
  • Put the pot of boiling water on the stove, put the dried radishes in the boiling water to cook the radish. Let cool. Wear plastic gloves, squeeze out the beet juice.
  • Small enough to eat
  • Coriander + herbs pick up damaged leaves, wash and finely chop
  • Chilli washed, seeded and finely chopped
  • Roasted peanuts, peeled, pounded
  • Making the mix includes: 2 spoons of seasoning + 1 spoon of main noodles + 2 spoons of sugar + 3 spoons of fish sauce + 3 spoons of sugar + minced garlic + minced chili. Using chopsticks, stir these ingredients together so that they blend together. Taste to see if it’s to your taste or not
  • Put the radish in a pot, add the water mixed above. Stir evenly. Leave for about 10 minutes to allow the sauce to penetrate deeply into the radish
  • After 10 minutes, sprinkle herbs + coriander + peanuts + spring rolls. Proceed to mix these mixtures together
  • Remove to a plate and enjoy

2.6 Dried radish pickled

Preparation materials:

  • Dried radish: 200g
  • Ginger: 1 branch
  • Garlic: 3 branches
  • Chili: 2
  • Onion: 1 piece
  • Purple onion: 1 piece
  • Carrot: 1 piece
  • Condiments: sugar, seasoning, main noodles, fish sauce, vinegar

Implementation steps:

  • Dried radish, soaked in warm water for about 10 minutes, then picked it up and squeezed it gently to drain
  • Peeled ginger, washed, minced
  • Garlic peeled, washed, minced
  • Chilli washed, seeded and finely chopped
  • Carrots, washed and grated
  • Fresh onion + red onion peeled, washed, sliced thin
  • Put in a bowl of purple onion + thinly sliced onion with vinegar and sugar
  • Radish mixed with seasoning and ginger + garlic + minced chili
  • Leave for about 5 minutes, mix the radish with the shallot and onion and add the shredded carrots
  • Add 3 tablespoons of fish sauce + 2 tablespoons of sugar, stir well and pour into the bowl of radish mixed in the above step
  • Let the radish soak in the sauce for about 5 minutes and you can use it
  • Crispy, fragrant radish with strong flavor of ginger, garlic and chili. Eat with hot rice or eat directly

3. What is the current price of dried radish?

Although the price of dried radish is quite high in the market, it is still a product that many people are looking for. The price of dried radish in the market depends on a number of factors such as where it is sold, product quality, and origin. Many places sell dried radish, shabby, fake, and poor quality goods to consumers in order to gain illicit profits. The use of such products will greatly affect the health, economy and experience of consumers. With so many uses and important nutrients. Many people began to worry about the high price of dried radish.
How much is the current price of dried radishes is probably a difficult problem that has not been solved. The price of dried radish often fluctuates up and down unstablely. At one time, the price of dried radish was high, reaching 300,000 VND/kg. But sometimes, the price of dried radish is low, only about 240,000 VND/kg. The price of dried radish increases or decreases depending on the turnip season. What customers are most interested in right now is where to buy dried radish to stabilize the price?
Dung Ha Agricultural Products is the place to sell cheap dried radish in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh. The price of Dung Ha type 1 dried radish is currently being offered for sale at a price of 140,000 VND/kg. Dung Ha dried radish is a high quality first class product. Committed products have full quality inspection documents.

Reference: How much is the price of instant dried lotus seeds for 1kg?

4. Conclusion

Above is the whole way of the article detailing the culinary corner to answer the question of what is delicious and nutritious with dried radish. Dried radish is a material that is very easy to find in the market. You can completely preserve them for a long time and extremely easily. Although they are just a simple ingredient, with just a little creativity, you can turn them from a simple product into a luxurious high-end dish that still provides nutrients.


Thank you for following and reading our articles. Wish you always success and have lots of delicious and nutritious food. Please always accompany and follow us to update more information about thousands of other delicious dishes!

See more: 20 delicious recipes from vermicelli – eating is delicious

5. Contact Information

Any complaints about product quality or service attitude of employees. Customers, please report to Dung Ha Development Joint Stock Company through the company’s hotline number for the fastest support: 1900 986865 (Support 24/24h).
Branches visit to buy dried radish here:
  1. Whole region retail and wholesale warehouse of dried radish at: No. 11 Kim Dong – Giap Bat Street – Hoang Mai District – Hanoi City
  2. Wholesale and retail address of dried radish in Hanoi at: A10 – Alley 100 – Trung Kinh Street – Yen Hoa Ward – Cau Giay District – Hanoi City
  3. Wholesale and retail address of dried radish in Ho Chi Minh at: No. 02/B Quarter 3 – Trung My Tay 13 Street – District 12 – Ho Chi Minh City

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