Effectively prevent skin aging you know? Causes and telltale signs


Preventing skin aging effectively  is something that many women are interested in. Entering the late afternoon makes the skin wrinkled, crow’s feet appear. So is it due to age? What are the signs of skin aging? Today, Dry Food will answer the questions that many women are most concerned about. We invite you to follow along and read.

1. What is skin aging?

The skin is part of the excretory system. It is responsible for covering and protecting the body from bad influences from the environment. The skin is also responsible for regulating, sensing temperature, synthesizing Vitamins B and D. Just like every other part of our body. Skin is also involved in the aging process (From adulthood to old age). 


Skin aging is a sign of a decline in skin function. This results in a marked reduction in the elasticity of the skin. Connective tissues begin to weaken, collagen and Elastine structures begin to no longer link together. The aging process of the skin will lead to a decline in skin function, skin volume, and skin density. In particular, there is a 1% loss of collagen per year in women. At this time, skin aging is not only unsightly, but for a long time it will become a disease.

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2. Signs of aging skin

The aging process of the skin will manifest on the outside through some of the following signs:

2.1 Formation of wrinkles on the skin

This is the easiest sign to see with the naked eye. Wrinkles and crow ‘s feet begin to appear on the face. Collagen production begins to show signs of decline in people in their 40s. However, everyone will be the most affected even if you are in your 20s or 30s if you do not know how to take care of your face. 

2.2 Swollen neck and chest skin

Due to the lack of fatty tissue, Collagen, Elastin, the skin lacks elasticity. This often occurs in areas with a lot of fat on the body such as: biceps, cheeks, breasts, abdomen, thighs, and neck skin. 

Sagging breasts are also very common in women who are breastfeeding. Sagging breasts will make women lose a lot of confidence, sometimes have to go to beauty salons to enhance their breasts, hoping to have the breasts of their youth again. But now there are many safe and effective breast augmentation methods at home. It does require a certain amount of patience, though.

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2.3 Hair fades and thins

Skin aging also seriously affects a woman’s hair. Lack of nutrients to replenish the scalp is the cause of your hair graying quickly, and then falling out a lot. The same goes for eyelashes and eyebrows.


2.4 Dry skin

Older people often experience dry and itchy skin due to reduced oil and sweat glands in the body. The sebaceous glands and the water-holding capacity of Hyaluronic Acid in the dermis are no longer functioning properly. Unable to absorb the amount of water passed into the body, the skin does not provide the necessary moisture. 

This is also very understandable when we sleep under the air conditioner. Dehydration, dry lips due to air conditioning is inevitable. That’s why many families often equip a nebulizer product to keep the body from becoming dehydrated or dry.

2.5 Tortoises

Melanin is the pigment that determines the color of hair, eyes and skin. Due to many factors from nature, dust, and environmental pollution, the amount of Melanin pigment in the body is seriously affected. Excessive activity and strong impact in the areas of the skin that suffer the most damage. This is what causes your skin to darken.

3. Causes of skin aging

There are many causes of aging skin that we can see with the naked eye. Change those habits, take care of “skin care” to keep your skin healthy. Some causes of skin aging:

  • Due to age
  • Due to the daily routine
  • Unscientific diet
  • Genetics
  • Sunshine
  • Negative physical effects on skin
  • Habits of smoking, alcohol use

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4. How to prevent skin aging effectively few people know

With the rapid development of information technology. The application of science and technology to the beauty process is also used a lot. But sometimes abusing technology into the body will cause us to take many unnecessary risks. However, there are also natural methods to prevent effective skin aging that are transmitted by many treatments such as:

  • Use sunscreen
  • Eat lots of fresh fruits
  • Use herbs to make tea
  • Exercise to increase resistance
  • Maintain a healthy diet, do not use alcohol, caffeine
  • Apply moisturizer every day
  • Wash your face with a face wash to remove dirt
  • Do not dye your skin
  • Always keep yourself an optimistic spirit


In short, if we want to effectively prevent skin aging , whiten and smooth like a girl in our twenties, the first thing we need to do is to completely change our undisciplined lifestyle. Instead, always let your mind be relaxed, comfortable, do not create stress or pressure. Take care of yourself more often. If you are healthy, your skin will be healthy. 

5. Ending

We have just reviewed the effective ways to prevent skin aging, the causes and signs of aging skin. Do not forget to apply these useful knowledge in your life to have a healthy, white skin that many people desire! 

See also: What is the digestive system? How important is the digestive system to health?

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