What is the digestive system? Importance of the digestive system


What is the digestive system? Why do many people after eating have full stomach, heartburn, nausea, and constipation, … Is this a sign that the digestive system is having problems? So how to fix this situation? Join Dung Ha Dry Food to find out what the digestive system is? How important is the digestive system to your health?

1. What is the digestive system?

The digestive system is not only responsible for metabolizing and absorbing nutrients from food. It also supports the body’s energy production and repairs damaged cells. It is a system of many closely related parts like a link. If one link fails, it affects the related links. To carry out this process, the digestive system needs a smooth combination of chewing, mechanical grinding, and thanks to the enzyme active ingredients that help biodegradation.


2. The organs of the digestive system

The human digestive system consists of many organs. The beginning is the oral cavity where we receive food. The anal canal is where undigested substances are excreted. These are the two digestive systems that we can see with our own eyes. But in our body, there are still other organs that are not visible to the naked eye. Which agencies are those? Let’s find out together:


2.1 Throat

The place where food begins to take in and also where digestion begins. Here, food will be chewed from the mouth and transported gently down the throat and then into the esophagus. The pharynx is considered as an intermediary organ for transporting food.

2.2 Esophagus

Behind the throat, the esophagus is where food goes. This organ is shaped like a long water tube responsible for transporting food to the stomach. The esophagus also creates peristaltic contractions to gently move food down. In addition, the esophagus also helps us when absorbing food without causing “gastroesophageal reflux” thanks to a mechanical valve in the body.

2.3 Stomach

The stomach is an important organ of the digestive system. This place is formed in the shape of a giant bag that stores everything that people eat. When the food is transported down, the active substances Enzymes and Acids begin to be excreted. These active ingredients will mix the food in the stomach and break it down into protein. Food stays in the stomach for a long time because it takes a long time to break down. After it has broken down, the food will be in the form of a liquid or paste and move into the small intestine.

2.4 Small intestine

The small intestine inside the adult human body is up to 6 meters long. The small intestine is responsible for further breaking down food from the stomach by mixing them with enzymes from the pancreas or bile and liver. The decomposition process will require a lot of water. At the same time, the small intestine also absorbs water and nutrients into the bloodstream. The island removes the remaining food residue into the large intestine.

2.5 Large intestine

Large intestine (also known as the colon): The residue that cannot be absorbed by the small intestine is transported to the large intestine in the form of a liquid. Here, the large intestine will continue to absorb water from that waste, turning from liquid to solid, forming stool. Stool will stay in the large intestine for about 36 hours. Waste consists mainly of undigested food residues. 

2.6 Rectum

The rectum is about 20cm long. This is the next part located behind the large intestine. When stool moves to the rectum, the nerves immediately stimulate the brain to tell your body that it needs to go to the toilet immediately. In addition, there are also some other signs that manifest through severe abdominal pain. For young children, the digestive system is not yet fully developed, so the child is still unable to control the process of defecation.

2.7 Anal

The anus is the last organ to receive all the food residue for digestion out. This organ is made up of the anal sphincter and the pelvic floor muscle. The main function of the anus is to store and expel toxins. When you go heavy, the anus will automatically secrete a mucus to lubricate. Make your commute easier.

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3. What is a digestive gland?

The digestive gland consists of two parts: the salivary glands and the pancreas, liver, and bile.

3.1 Salivary glands

Has the ability to secrete saliva to soften and wet food for easy digestion. Saliva contains beneficial enzymes with the ability to break down proteins and starches into small particles. Aids in the easier digestion of food. 

3.2 Pancreas, liver, bile

Has the function of supporting the digestive process in the small intestine. The gallbladder alone has the ability to gently contract, pushing bile into the common bile duct. The bile then enters the duodenum and then to the small intestine. Helps our body digest excess fat faster. 

4. What is a digestive system disorder?

Digestive system disorder is a syndrome caused by abnormal contraction of the muscle rings in the digestive system. This makes the patient often fall into the situation of abdominal pain, bloating, indigestion, heartburn, loose stools, jaundice, weight loss and affects the bowel function.

Digestive disorders are not a disease. This is a telltale sign that your body is suffering from colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, bacterial dysbiosis, an unscientific diet. Although it is not life-threatening, if it happens regularly, it will affect the patient’s life.

5. The role of the digestive system

It can be seen that the digestive system and digestive organs have extremely important functions for the human body. Digestion is a long, multi-step, and extremely complex process. Any problem in the digestive system affects the absorption of nutrients into the body. When you find your body has signs of instability such as Full stomach, heartburn, constipation, clear heat, loose stools, jaundice, weight loss, etc. earliest. 

6. Foods that help improve digestive health

Want a healthy digestive system? The first thing is that we need to change our lifestyle and eating style. Here are some foods that help improve your digestive health :

  • Yogurt: Yogurt is rich in probiotics. These are bacteria that are beneficial for gut health. Probiotics in yogurt will solve all digestive problems.
  • Apples: Apples are a rich source of Pectin. Pectin will increase stool volume and movement through the digestive tract. Many people use apples to cure constipation. Pectin in apples has also been shown to reduce the risk of intestinal infections.
  • Chia seeds: Chia seeds contain a rich source of fiber for the digestive system. When ingested, chia seeds form a gelatin-like substance in the stomach. Supports the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. 
  • Whole grains: Including quinoa, oats, whole-wheat bread, etc. They are called whole grains because they contain 100% of the kernel including bran, germ, and endosperm. The fiber in whole grains is very rich. They will pass into the stool, relieving constipation. Some cereals also have prebiotics that helps feed the beneficial bacteria in the gut. 
  • Cumin: An ingredient used to enhance the flavor of delicious dishes. The fiber content in green vegetables will help overcome constipation. Dill also contains an antispasmodic agent that helps smooth muscles in the digestive tract.

7. Ending

In short, in order to keep the digestive system healthy, we need to change our healthy lifestyle and avoid the use of stimulants with alcohol. The addition of fruits and tea will help your body reduce anxiety and stress. In addition, it also helps you have a strong, healthy body, and a cool drink on hot summer days. 


Above is information to answer questions about what is the digestive system. Make changes now to keep your digestive system healthy. For any questions, please contact Dry Food via Hotline: 1900 986865 (24/24 support).

Or you can visit the Company’s addresses at:

  • Branch 1: No. 11 Kim Dong – Giap Bat Street – Hoang Mai District – Hanoi
  • Branch 2: A11 – Alley 100 – Trung Kinh Street – Yen Hoa Ward – Cau Giay District – Hanoi
  • Branch 3: No. 02/B Quarter 3 – Trung My Tay Street 13 – District 12 – Ho Chi Minh City



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