Sharing 7 simple and effective ways to preserve rice without termites


Infested rice with termites has many causes. If you store rice improperly, that is the premise for the rice to be attacked by termites, multiplying and directly affecting the taste and quality of rice. Rice is an important food staple for cooking hot, delicious rice dishes. However, many people still do not know how to properly store rice to avoid the attack of bacteria and termites. The following article shared by Dung Ha Dry Agricultural Products will give you the most detailed answer to 7 ways to preserve rice that are not all simple, effective, and still delicious to eat all year round.

1. What is a termite? What causes termites?

Before we learn together how to preserve rice from termites effectively, let’s find out what termites are as well as the causes of termite formation.


1.1 What is termite?

Termites are a silent destructive enemy in your own home. They are very small in size, but the harm they leave is very serious, making every homeowner very afraid. These are two animals from the same family as white ants, close relatives with cockroaches. Considered to be the oldest living organism in the world and can adapt to all changes in the environment.
Currently, there are 2,500 different types of termites in the world. The details of these two types of movement are as follows:
  • Termites: The scientific name is Isoptera, is an insect, closely related to white ants. There are many species of termites in the world but only house termites and subterranean termites are common. They have no body armor, soft bodies, gray, brown or white, 7 – 15mm in length. Vigorously proliferate in early May and June. They have a herd behavior.
  • Weevils: Is an insect of the beetle family, with very strong jaws. They are the enemy that destroys wood, grain,… so weevils are a constant threat to furniture businesses. Adult beetles are 12-25mm long, brown or black in color, with slightly grayish hairs and have 2 black spots on the chest like eyes.

1.2 What causes termites?

The causes of termite formation are as follows:
  • Nature: Termites exist completely naturally for hundreds of millions of years on Earth. They grow and live in natural ecosystems, often in decaying trees, plants and other cellulose-rich materials.
  • Environmental conditions: Termites thrive and thrive in warm, humid environments. Therefore, areas with tropical or subtropical climates are often favorable places for termite growth.
  • Survival in residential areas: Termites can migrate from the natural environment and urban areas through building materials, dead wood, etc. Once they have infiltrated your home, they will spread to objects in the house and surrounding houses.
To prevent and control termites, you need to take measures to prevent termites and their spread. So if termites appear in rice, how do you need to preserve it? That is the main question of today’s column. Let’s continue to find out.

2. How to preserve rice without termites simple and effective at home?

Many people think that “Rice that is kept for a long time will give birth to many termites”. However, this is a completely wrong concept. Termites are not born from rice, but they can appear from within their own homes. When buying rice, it is important that you store the rice properly so that termites do not enter the rice jar. Here are a few ways to preserve rice from all fashions:

2.1 Preserved in dry, cool place

First, it is the environmental factor that affects. A humid environment is an ideal condition for termites to breed. So, the best way to preserve rice when you buy it is to store it in a cool, dry place. Rice should be stored in plastic containers and kept in the refrigerator. Or if your family already has a jar of rice ready, quickly move them to a cool, dry place, without direct sunlight to avoid termites attack.


Hot and humid weather conditions are common in the North from February to April every year. This is the ideal 2 months for termite growth.
When conditions are not favorable for termites to develop, they will not have the conditions to harm your rice bin. However, this method only applies to a small amount of rice and should be applied in rooms. With a large amount of rice for the whole family, this method is not optimal for holding.

2.2 How to store rice in a dedicated rice container

Storing rice in specialized rice containers, paint buckets, etc. will save you time and effort. Specialized rice containers are designed to ensure 100% no termite infestation. Therefore, storing rice in a dedicated rice container will give you peace of mind.


With the continuous development of science. There are currently many types of smart rice containers, which can measure and measure the amount of rice you hold in the box. From there, you can choose the volume of rice container that fits the amount of rice you use for your entire family member.
Specialized rice containers have a net weight from 10kg to 100kg depending on the purpose of your family’s use.

See more: The number 1 delicious and flexible rice in Vietnam today

2.3 Store rice in vacuum bags

Preserving rice with a vacuum sealed bag is also a good measure to prevent termite attack. Currently, large business stores, they all prioritize 100% of products that can be vacuumed.


Vacuum sealing not only preserves rice well, but also prevents termites from invading. Instead, it is possible to extend the shelf life of rice. Normally, the shelf life of rice is best used within 6 months. However, when vacuumed, the shelf life of rice can be up to 1 year.
Vacuum-sealed rice will not be able to contact oxygen with the environment. From there, prevent oxidation and contact with bacteria and termites. These will still keep the rice grains delicious, soft when cooked.

2.4 How to preserve rice from termites with garlic and chili

Garlic and chili are not just a culinary additive. These two materials are also used to preserve rice, dispel termites very effectively. Chili and garlic both have a characteristic pungent taste. The flavor comes from chili + garlic when the termites breathe in they will be afraid, and find ways to escape.


To repel termites with garlic and chili, do the following:
  • Wash the peppers, cut them in half. Strain out all the chili seeds. Then, deeply bury the chili in the rice bucket. Open the lid of the rice bin for about 5 minutes for the termites to run out
  • Garlic you peel off the skin, wash the garlic and let the garlic drain. Put the garlic in the rice bucket

2.5 Preserving rice with fine salt

In addition to preserving rice with garlic and chili, salt also has the effect of “removing” termites very effectively. Salt has a characteristic salty taste. Therefore, when termites eat salt by mistake, they will be afraid to flee.


The method is as follows:
  • Use a sufficient amount of refined salt
  • Sprinkle directly into the rice bin
  • Close the lid of the rice bin
Note: You should use a sufficient amount of salt for the number of kilograms of rice in the container you are storing. If too much salt is used, the rice will be salty when cooked. At the same time, the salt will also leak water, making the rice moist, and termites will thrive.

2.6 Preserving rice with white wine

The next way to preserve rice we want to send to you is to preserve it with white wine. White wine also has a characteristic pungent taste. This is also the taste that termites are extremely afraid of inhaling.


The method of using white wine to preserve rice is as follows:
  • You use about 1 cup of small white wine about 1.5 – 2m high
  • Bury the wine cup directly into the rice barrel
  • When burying wine, make sure that the wine cup is higher than the top of the rice, to avoid spilling the wine on the rice

2.7 How to preserve rice with durian leaves and dried chili

The last way to preserve rice without termites is to use durian leaves together with dried chili. Durian tree is a woody plant, the tree grows very quickly. The height of the mature tree is 15-20m. Durian trees grow a lot in the provinces of An Giang, Kien Giang, Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan,…
The leaves do not have a bitter taste, sweet aftertaste, cool. Used to treat a number of diseases such as: digestive disorders, nausea, loss of appetite, nosebleeds, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, leprosy,…


In addition to being used to treat diseases, an extremely useful tip from durian leaves is that this leaf can repel termites very well. The method is as follows:
  • Take a handful of durian leaves, wash and drain
  • Mix neem leaves with dried chili
  • Bury the mixture of dried chili leaves on the bottom of the rice barrel
  • Close the lid and store the rice as usual
The bactericidal properties of dried chili peppers and neem leaves will prevent the growth of termites. But still keep the rice when cooking is always soft and delicious.

3. How to handle rice when termites?

In addition to the ways to preserve rice without termites just listed above. Some cases will still be attacked by termites. So when you are attacked by termites, you need to handle the following:
  • Separation of rice infested with weevils: Remove the rice from the bin and inspect the rice. Separate the infested grains from the uninfested grains. Place the infested seeds in an airtight container to prevent spread
  • Wash and dry the rice: Rinse the rice with water. Then, dry the rice in the sun so that the rice is dry, no water left. Weeds thrive in wet environments
  • Freeze rice: Place termite-infested rice in an airtight container. Put the box of rice in the freezer for 3-4 days. Cold temperatures kill termites
  • Sun drying: If possible, pour the rice into a large tray, dry the rice in direct sunlight for 1-2 days and the termites will die.
  • Check regularly: Periodically check boxes and bags of rice to detect the presence of termites in time. Need to handle immediately, avoid creating conditions for termites to develop.
The treatment of termite-infested rice may depend on the degree of infestation, storage environment. If the condition is serious, you can’t control it, you should consider destroying the rice to avoid harming the health of the user.
In addition, you can refer to more good news here:

4. Conclude

Above is a detailed article explaining the simple ways to preserve rice without termites at home that Dry Agricultural Products has shared with readers. If you are using a paint container to store rice, make sure to thoroughly wash and dry the container to drain the water before placing the rice in the container. Hopefully, with the above interesting sharing, it will bring you a box of rice that is free from termites and has delicious and quality dishes.
Thank you for taking the time to read our post!!!
If you want to find delicious, quality and good-priced rice, see more here:

See also: [TOP] 5+ clean rice shops with poor quality in Hanoi and HCM


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