2+ How to make cool passion fruit milk shake at home in just 15 minutes


How to make cool and sour passion fruit shake with milk at home in just 15 minutes? Can you believe this? In the hot summer, besides cool and sour passion fruit smoothies to quench your thirst, there are still other perfect cooling options, which are passion fruit shakes with milk. You can absolutely create your own cup of passion fruit shake with milk at home with a very simple recipe. In this article, Dung Ha Dried Agricultural Products reveals to you the recipe on how to make “delicious” passion fruit shake with milk at home. Let’s find out together now.

What is the nutritional value in passion fruit?

Passion fruit is also known by other names: passion fruit, passion fruit, and egg sack bunch. In English it is called Passion Fruit, belonging to the Lac Tien family. The passion fruit variety originates from South America and is now popular everywhere in the world.
In Vietnam, passion fruit trees are widely grown because our country’s climatic conditions are very suitable for passion fruit. However, the most grown passion fruit is in Gia Lai province. Passion fruit usually flowers in June and July, and bears fruit in August, September and October.


Passion fruit is round or oval in shape. They come in red, purple, yellow and green. The skin is thin, the flesh inside is yellow, succulent and has edible seeds. Passion fruit is also very commonly used in cuisine. You can use passion fruit to mix smoothies, or make passion fruit sauce to mix salads.
Passion fruit contains a lot of beneficial nutritional values. According to research from nutrition experts, 100 grams of passion fruit provide nutrients such as:
Nutritional value name: Nutritional index:
Energy 97 calo
Lipids 0.7gr
Saturated fat 0.1gr
Sodium 28mg
Potassium 348mg
Carbs 23gr
Fiber 10gr
Sugar 11gr
The protein 2.2gr
Vitamin C 30mg
Iron 1.6mg
Calcium 12mg
Vitamin B6 0.1mg
Magnesium 29mg

This is the entire nutritional value contained in passion fruit. It’s great to make passion fruit shake with milk as a cooling drink this summer.

How to make delicious and delicious passion fruit shake with fresh milk at home

Prepared ingredients:

  • 5 – 7 passion fruits
  • 100ml unsweetened fresh milk
  • 50ml of Mr. Tho’s milk
  • 2 spoons of white sugar
  • 150ml filtered water
  • 1 – 2 thin slices of yellow lemon
  • 1 – 2 basil leaves
  • 1 Shaker shaker
  • Ice



Step 1: Prepare passion fruit
  • When buying passion fruit, you pour each passion fruit in half
  • Using a spoon, scrape out all the passion fruit flesh and put it in a blender
  • Put 150ml of filtered water into the blender
  • Press the button and puree the passion fruit for 1 – 2 minutes


Step 2: Filter passion fruit
  • Pour the pureed passion fruit mixture above through a sieve
  • Completely filter out seeds and residue from passion fruit
  • Take just the passion fruit juice and put it in a Shaker shaker


Step 3: Shake passion fruit with milk
  • Slowly add 2 spoons of sugar + 100ml unsweetened fresh milk + 50ml Mr. Tho’s milk into the passion fruit shaker
  • Close the lid of the jar and shake well for about 15 – 20 seconds to mix the ingredients together
  • Pour the finished product into a glass, decorate with lemon + basil
  • Put ice cubes in the cup, stir gently to melt and enjoy


Step 4: Finished product


See more: How to make passion fruit panna cotta to cool down in the hot sun

How to make passion fruit yogurt shake at home, sour and refreshing for the body

Prepared ingredients:

  • 5 – 7 passion fruits
  • 100ml of Mr. Tho’s milk
  • 1 box of unsweetened yogurt
  • 150ml pure water
  • 1 – 2 thin slices of yellow lemon
  • 1 – 2 basil leaves
  • 2 spoons of white sugar
  • 1 shaker
  • Ice



Step 1: Prepare passion fruit
  • When buying passion fruit, you pour each passion fruit in half
  • Using a spoon, scrape out all the passion fruit flesh and put it in a blender
  • Put 150ml of filtered water into the blender
  • Press the button and puree the passion fruit for 1 – 2 minutes


Step 2: Filter passion fruit
  • Pour the pureed passion fruit mixture above through a sieve
  • Completely filter out seeds and residue from passion fruit
  • Take just the passion fruit juice and put it in a Shaker shaker


Step 3: Shake passion fruit with milk
  • Slowly add 2 spoons of sugar + 100ml of Mr. Tho’s milk + 1 box of unsweetened yogurt into the passion fruit shaker.
  • Close the lid of the jar and shake well for about 15 – 20 seconds to mix the ingredients together
  • Pour the finished product into a glass, decorate with lemon + basil
  • Put ice cubes in the cup, stir gently to melt and enjoy


Step 4: Finished product


See more: Cool smoothies for the hot summer

What should you keep in mind when making passion fruit shake with milk at home?

In general, in the process of making passion fruit, Dung Ha dried agricultural products encountered some minor problems. But as long as you pay a little attention, you can avoid most of these problems. Here are some things you need to pay attention to:
  • You need to buy raw materials from reputable businesses in the area to get a commitment to price and product quality.
  • If you accidentally make passion fruit shake with milk too late and can’t drink it all, put each ingredient separately in separate glass jars, cover tightly and store in the refrigerator. When to drink, just take out the ingredients, mix together and enjoy.
  • If you prepare too many ingredients to make passion fruit shake with milk. Don’t process it all but need to process it in small enough doses. Avoid using it all and throwing it away will be a waste of money.
With just these 3 notes, if you pay attention, I guarantee that you will always have delicious, high-quality drink recipes that cool the body extremely well.
In addition, you can read more culinary news here: https://thucphamkho.vn/tin-tuc-su-kien/

How to preserve passion fruit shake with milk after making it so it won’t spoil for a long time?

Passion fruit shake with milk is a delicious, nutritious and very popular drink in Vietnam. However, if not stored properly, this drink can quickly spoil on hot summer days. Here are some ways to preserve passion fruit shake with milk after making it:
  • Store in the refrigerator: This is the simplest and most effective way to preserve passion fruit shake with milk. You just need to put the drink in a glass cup, cover and store. Passion fruit shake with milk can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 – 3 days.
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight: Sunlight can cause passion fruit shakes to spoil quickly. Therefore, you should avoid exposing your drink to direct sunlight.
  • Do not let passion fruit shake milk at too high a temperature: Too high a temperature will also cause passion fruit to quickly spoil. Therefore, you should not leave this drink at too high a temperature.
  • Store passion fruit shake with milk in a cool place: You should store passion fruit shake with milk in a cool place. Avoid storing in damp, dusty places…
By applying the above preservation methods, you can keep the passion fruit shake with milk always delicious and can be used for a long time.

See more: [POCKET] How to preserve summer foods so they don’t spoil for a long time?


Above is the entire experience and recipe on how to make refreshing passion fruit shake with milk at home in just 15 minutes that I have actually tested with dried agricultural products. It can be seen that the recipe for making passion fruit shake with milk is very simple and easy to make. With this recipe, you can completely make your own passion fruit shake with milk at home or you can start your own business with passion fruit shake with milk without too much capital. Enjoy a glass of passion fruit shaken with shiny, smooth golden milk, with a touch of the sweet and sour taste of passion fruit, all mixed together to create the highest quality drink. Wish you always success!

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. See you again in the next posts!!!



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