2 How to make delicious cooked meat in the North with the taste of traditional Tet


Northeastern cooked meat is a favorite dish of the people here. Frozen meat is often made by many families outside the North on holidays and Tet. If the Southern people’s symbol is the dish of pork ear, the Northern people are the frozen meat dish. With the main ingredients are pork skin, pork ears, wood ear, shiitake mushrooms, ground pepper, … The way to cook frozen meat is quite simple without being too demanding. So today, let’s take a few minutes to follow Dung Ha Dry Food to learn 2 ways to make delicious North Eastern cooked meat with the taste of this Lunar New Year 2023!

1. What is the North East cooked meat?

Frozen cooked meat is an extremely nutritious and easy-to-make dish of the Northern people. Almost in the Northern New Year dishes of many families, this dish is indispensable. Not only appearing during Tet, frozen meat is also used even when it is winter in Hanoi. Frozen meat mixed with cold air and eaten with a cup of hot rice will be very delicious and help the body become warmer.


With a lot of main ingredients to create the finished product. Each ingredient will bring to the eater its own aroma and use. Frozen cooked meat can be used for a long time without worrying about spoilage or rancidity. Because they will be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5-7 days. Almost, the meat is made from 100% clean pork. Combine with a little wild mushrooms and clean vegetables so that the dish is not too fatty and boring. To make this dish is also very simple, not too fussy. The ingredients are also varied to suit your preferences. Let’s go to the kitchen with Dung Ha Dry Food to cook meat cooked in the North right away!

Tips for you: Modern New Year dishes of each region you should know

2. How to cook meat in the North East?

2.1 Northeastern cooked meat (recipe shared by user)

2.1.1 Preparation materials:

  • Pork leg meat: 1kg
  • Pork ears: 500g (1 piece)
  • Salt: 2 tablespoons
  • Dried forest shiitake: 100gr
  • Wood ear: 100gr
  • Carrot: 1 piece
  • Purple onion: 3 pieces
  • Ginger: 1 small tuber
  • Ground pepper: 15g
  • Spices: sugar, seasoning, monosodium glutamate, cooking oil, fish sauce,…

In order to have a delicious dish, the input ingredients you need to be rigorously tested. You should buy ingredients at reputable business establishments in the area to get delicious dishes. Here are some tips for you to choose to buy input materials:

  • Pork leg meat should be bought early in the morning. Since this is the time when the meat is the best, the pig has just finished its meat
  • Should choose a piece with a ratio of 2 lean – 1 fat
  • Look at the bright red flesh, not pale or dull. It’s warm to touch the meat
  • The outer skin is pure white with no darkening or abnormal signs
  • Pig ears should buy unboiled type and boil it yourself
  • Do not buy ears that are dark, viscous, and have a rancid smell
  • The pig’s ears must be pure white and show no signs of abnormality
  • Carrots should be purchased with shiny skin, no black spots on the stem or any unusual signs
  • Hold firmly in your hand, carrots are tough, not mushy, not rotten at the top

2.1.2 Preliminary raw materials:

  • Pork leg bought and washed. Using a razor, shave off the hair that is still attached to the pig’s skin. Using a sharp knife, filter out a bit of excess fat
  • Clean pig ears, use a razor, shave off the hair on the pig’s ears
  • Dilute salt water in a bowl. Put the pig’s ears + pig’s feet in salt water for about 7 minutes so that the pig is clean and has no bad smell
  • Pick up, rinse under clean running water. Let the water dry
  • When you buy shiitake, you wash it. Soak the shiitake mushrooms in a bowl of warm water for about 7 minutes to make them soft and easy to prepare
  • Pick up the mushrooms, cut off the legs. Rinse with clean water. Using your hands, gently squeeze the mushrooms to drain the water. Small enough to eat
  • Wood ear is also soaked with warm water to soften wood ear. Pick up, let dry. Slice mushrooms into thin strips
  • Peel the carrots and wash them well. Cut into circles, thinly sliced ​​and then trimmed into petals
  • Red onion peeled, washed, minced
  • Ginger peeled, washed, smashed

2.1.3 Implementation steps:

  • Put on the stove a pot of 500ml of water, put 1 teaspoon of salt + crushed ginger + pork leg + pig’s ear into the pot. Turn on the stove, boil these 2 ingredients until about 7 minutes
  • Prepare a basin of ice water outside
  • Boil for 7 minutes, take out the pig’s ears + drop in the pork leg to soak in ice water for about 5 minutes
  • After 5 minutes, pick it up, drain it
  • Put the pig ears + pork leg on the cutting board, cut the pig ear + pork leg into small pieces just enough to eat. In a large bowl
  • Put 1 tablespoon of pure fish sauce into the bowl of pork ingredients. Mix together. Let marinate for about 30 minutes for the pork to absorb the spices
  • Put the pan on the stove, add cooking oil, wait for the oil to boil, then add minced shallots and fry until fragrant
  • The purple onions smell, you pour the shiitake + wood ear mushrooms into the pan and stir-fry on medium heat. Add 1 seasoning + 1 main noodle. Stir well to avoid burning. Pour out the bowl
  • Continue using the pan, add the pork leg + pork ears and stir-fry until cooked. Taste to taste to your own taste. Stir-fry for about 10 minutes until the pork is cooked
  • Pour pork legs + fried pork ears until cooked into the pan. Add about 2 cups of water to cover the meat, turn on the stove and bring to a boil
  • Cook for about 20 minutes on medium heat, then pour in shiitake + wood ear mushrooms + carrots + ground pepper
  • Cook for another 30 minutes until all ingredients are cooked, then turn off the heat
  • Scoop the finished product into a bowl, let it cool, then put it in the refrigerator and they will stick together


See more: 3+ How to make simple chicken stew with lotus seeds at home

2.2 Traditional way of frozen meat

2.2.1 Preparation materials:

  • Boneless pork leg meat: 500gr (or pork belly)
  • Pork skin: 100g
  • Salt: 2 tablespoons
  • Dried Shiitake Mushroom: 25gr
  • Wood ear: 25gr
  • Purple onion: 4 pieces
  • Fish sauce: 4 tablespoons
  • Ground pepper: 15g
  • Seasoning: 10gr
  • Cooking oil: 10g
  • Seasoning: 10gr

2.2.2 Preliminary raw materials:

  • Pork skin + pork leg washed under running water. Use a razor, shave off the hair so that when eating it is not uncomfortable
  • Mix in a basin of diluted salt water, put the pork skin + pork leg into the salt water for about 7 minutes so that they are clean and do not smell bad.
  • Rinse under clean running water, let dry
  • Put pork leg meat on a cutting board, cut into small pieces just enough to eat
  • Pork skin you can cut into 2 into 4 into 6 depending on your preference
  • Red onion peeled, washed, minced
  • Shiitake mushrooms are soaked in warm water so that the mushrooms are soft and easy to prepare. Using scissors, cut off the base of the mushroom
  • Wash the mushrooms under clean running water. Using your hands, gently squeeze the mushrooms to dry out, cut the mushrooms into 2 or 3 depending on how big or small the mushrooms are
  • Wood ear is soaked in warm water so that the mushrooms are soft and easy to prepare
  • Pick up the wood ear, drain the water, cut the wood ear into thin fibers

2.2.3 Implementation steps:

  • Pork leg + pork skin in a bowl. For turn: 1 seasoning + 1 fish sauce + 1/2 minced shallot + 1 monosodium glutamate. Mix these spices together
  • Marinate for about 45 minutes for the seasoning to penetrate deeply into each pork ingredient
  • Put the pan on the stove, add cooking oil, wait for the oil to boil, then add 1 teaspoon of red onion and fry it up
  • The purple onions smell, you pour the spiced pork bowl into the stir-fry. Stir well with medium heat to avoid burning
  • Pork has been hunted, you pour 2 cups of water for the pork and then proceed to stew them for 30 minutes
  • During the stewing process, use a ladle to skim off the foam floating on the surface
  • Use another pan, add cooking oil, wait for the oil to boil, then add shiitake + wood ear + 1 seasoning + 1 monosodium glutamate. Stir-fry for about 7 minutes
  • When the pork is cooked until the stew is 30 minutes, pour the sauteed shiitake + wood ear mushrooms above into the stew with pork leg + pork skin for about 15 minutes. Stir the ingredients together
  • Season and taste to suit your taste
  • The dish is already full of flavor, sprinkle ground pepper, stir it, then turn off the stove and lower it
  • Scoop the finished product into a bowl, let it cool and then put it in the fridge to make it stick together

See more: How to cook bitter melon soup stuffed with meat on the traditional Tet holiday 2023

2.3 Frozen wood ear mushroom cooked meat

2.3.1 Preparation materials:

  • Pork leg meat: 500gr
  • Salt: 2 tablespoons
  • Wood ear: 100gr
  • Dried onions: 2 bulbs
  • Carrot: 1 piece
  • Pork skin: 100g
  • Seasoning: fish sauce, seasoning, black pepper

2.3.2 Preliminary raw materials:

  • Pork + pork skin bought, you use a razor, shave off the hair
  • Mix a basin of diluted salt water
  • Put the pork + pork bif in a basin of salt water for about 7 to mask the smell
  • Pick up, rinse under clean running water, let dry
  • Wood ear is soaked in warm water for about 5 minutes to make it soft and easy to prepare
  • Pick up, rinse under clean water again. Let the water dry
  • Put the wood ear on a cutting board, cut it into thin strands
  • Onions are peeled, washed and minced
  • Peel carrots, wash, cut into round bars, use a sharp knife to cut into the shape of petals and then cut into thin slices

2.3.3 Implementation steps:

  • Pork leg meat + pork skin you put on the cutting board, cut into small pieces just enough to eat. Put it in a bowl
  • For seasoning include: 2 fish sauce + 1 black pepper + 1 seasoning + 1 monosodium glutamate. Mix the seasoning together with the bowl of pork skin and pork leg meat
  • Leave for about 35 minutes for the seasoning to penetrate deep into each piece of pork
  • Put the pan on the stove, add 1 tablespoon of cooking oil, wait for the oil to boil, then you start to add the minced onions and stir-fry until the aroma is up.
  • Purple onions smell, you pour thinly sliced ​​carrots + wood ear mushrooms and stir-fry together. Stir well with low heat to avoid burning. Add 1 seasoning + 1 monosodium glutamate, stir well, taste to taste
  • After marinating for 35 minutes, put the pork in the pot
  • Put 500ml of clean water, cover the pork and pork skin, turn on the stove and bring to a boil
  • Open the lid, skim off the foam floating on the surface
  • Proceed to stew the pork for about 30 minutes until cooked and infuse the spices
  • Stew for 30 minutes, you start to pour in the carrots + fried wood ear, stew with pork for another 30 minutes so that all the ingredients are cooked.
  • Season and taste to suit your taste
  • All ingredients are cooked and flavorful, turn off the heat, scoop the finished product into a bowl or shaping mold you have
  • Leave outside to cool. After that, put it in the fridge and the meat will freeze

See more: How to make fatty stewed chestnut chicken, chewy chicken

3. Conclusion

Above is an article that shares in detail 2 ways to make delicious northern meat cooked with traditional Tet flavor. These are two detailed and meticulous ways that anyone can do. The frozen meat dish served with white rice is a perfect combination. It is important to change the menu for the family. It helps the human body to absorb a variety of different nutrients.

Thank you for reading this article. If readers have any suggestions for the article, please leave your comments at the bottom of the article and Dry Food will answer your questions quickly and accurately.
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Any contributions to the article or to buy materials. Please contact Dung Ha Development Joint Stock Company through 2 forms below:
  1. Email address to receive customer feedback: nongsandungha@gmail.com
  2. Hotline number for shopping: 1900 986865 (Support 24/24h).

Alternatively, you may visit Dung Ha’s properties at the locations pinned below:

  1. No. 11 Kim Dong – Giap Bat Street – Hoang Mai District – Hanoi City
  2. A10 – Alley 100 – Trung Kinh Street – Yen Hoa Ward – Cau Giay District – Hanoi City
  3. No. 02/B, Quarter 3 – Trung My Tay 13 Street – District 12 – Ho Chi Minh City

REFERENCES MORE BEAUTIFUL FOOD NEWS READING HERE: https://thucphamkho.vn/tin-tuc-su-kien/


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