[DISCLOSURE] How many calories in basil seeds? Using basil seeds causes weight gain?


How many calories are in 100g of basil seeds? This is probably a key question that many users are interested in. Sesame seeds can be used to process many delicious dishes to lose weight. In particular, é seeds are a very close friend to many women. Not only known for its use in weight loss, basil seeds are also used to treat diabetes, detoxify the body, treat constipation, stomach diseases, etc. How many calories and Dry food find out in detail through the article below.

1. What is a seed?

Pea seeds are also known as é seeds. This is the seed of the basil plant. This type of seed is small in size, glossy black like black sesame seeds. The seeds are large and soft when soaked in water. To get basil seeds, the flowers of the basil plant are white, when they die, they will leave behind black seeds. And it’s the same seeds that are harvested to be used as ingredients for soft drinks.


The size is very small, if anyone does not know, it is often confused between black sesame seeds and chia seeds. The seeds are relatively small. But it is not possible to look through that size to evaluate the use and nutritional value of basil seeds. Sesame seeds are known to be nutritious seeds that are rich in nutrients. Therefore, adding basil seeds to your diet is a very good thing for your health.

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2. What are the uses of fenugreek seeds?

2.1 Nutritional value in é seeds

Before finding out how many calories are in basil seeds, let’s learn about the nutritional value of basil seeds first. According to research by USDA (US Department of Agriculture) on the nutritional value of basil seeds. In 13g of basil seeds will provide nutritional values such as:
  • 60 Calories
  • 2.5g Fat
  • 1,240mg Omega-3 Fats
  • 7g Carbohydrate
  • 2g Protein
  • 15% RDI Calcium
  • 10% RDI Iron
  • 10% RDI Magnesium
These are the nutrients found in 13 grams of chia seeds. The amount of nutrients in chia seeds can be seen as “relatively modest”. But these substances are extremely good for health and they will treat many dangerous diseases.

2.2 Sesame seeds help stabilize blood sugar

  • Basil seeds are a rich source of fiber and healthful nutrients. Including the ability to stabilize blood sugar. Basil seeds contain a soluble fiber called basil seed extract, which can help absorb water and form a gel in the stomach. This gel helps to slow down the absorption of sugar and balance blood sugar levels after eating.
  • When consuming basil seeds, fiber aids in reducing the rate at which sugar is absorbed from food and aids in the regulation of stable blood sugar levels.

2.3 Sesame seeds reduce bad cholesterol in the blood

  • Basil seeds are said to have the ability to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. The amount of soluble fiber has the effect of absorbing cholesterol in the intestine, preventing its absorption into the circulatory system.
  • The addition of basil seeds to the diet reduced the level of bad cholesterol and increased the level of good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood.

2.4 Basil seeds cure skin diseases

Basil seeds are also used in folk medicine to treat a number of skin diseases. According to folklore, basil seeds are said to have cooling and soothing properties, and can be used to relieve the symptoms of some serious skin conditions. Specifically:
  • Acne: Basil seeds have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which can help reduce inflammation and fight pimples that appear on the skin.
  • Skin allergies: Basil seeds have the ability to soothe the skin and reduce itching and redness on the skin. Can treat allergic skin problems and atopic dermatitis
  • Freckles and Dark Spots: The powerful antioxidants found in basil seeds can help reduce melasma, freckles, and dark spots on the skin.

2.5 Basil seeds improve digestive problems

Basil seeds have the ability to improve some digestive problems thanks to the fiber and nutrients contained in it. Specifically:
  • Supports digestion: The soluble fiber in basil seeds has the ability to absorb water and form a gel in the stomach. This gel form can help promote bowel movements and aid in good digestion.
  • Relieves constipation: The fiber in basil seeds has the ability to enhance the movement of waste in the intestines. Helps relieve constipation and improve stool quality.
  • Supports intestinal bacteria: Basal seeds can provide fiber containing beneficial bacteria for the intestinal tract. Helps balance gut health bacteria.

2.6 Sesame seeds lose weight safely

  • Sesame seeds contain soluble fiber, protein and other nutrients. These substances will help create a feeling of fullness for longer and support weight loss.
  • The fiber in basil seeds will help increase satiety, limit overeating and control weight. The seeds contain many other nutrients and keep the body healthy during weight loss.

2.7 Basil seeds improve brain function

  • Sesame seeds contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals. These substances can provide nutrients that are important for the functioning of the body. Including the nervous system.
  • Besides, a balanced, nutrient-rich diet is also very good for the brain.

3. How many calories are in fenugreek seeds? Does eating basil seeds cause weight gain?

3.1 How many calories are in 100g of basil seeds?

According to research from nutritionists (USDA), they said “basil seeds contain extremely low calories”. The calories in basil seeds are not enough to maintain the activity of the human body. Specifically:
  • In 2 teaspoons of basil seeds provide 22 Kcal
  • In 100g of basil seeds will provide about 450 – 550 Kcalo


That is the number of calories that are well studied in basil seeds. Looking at this “quite modest” calorie count, many people are asking the question “does eating basil seeds cause weight gain?”.

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3.2 Does eating basil seeds cause weight gain?

With the “rather modest” calorie content that we just learned above, will eating basil seeds cause weight gain? To know better, let’s do a simple calculation like this:
  • On average, an adult will need to consume 2,000 – 2,500 calories per day to maintain all vital activities of the body. This amount of calories will be evenly distributed for 3 meals (breakfast – lunch – dinner). If we want to know how many calories we consume in a standard day, we will do the math. Take: 2,000 – 2,500 : 3 = 667 – 883 calories. 667 – 883 is the standard amount of calories for an adult meal.
  • Meanwhile, 100 grams of basil seeds provide the body with 450-550 calories. Comparing the calories in basil seeds with the calories in a standard adult meal is still far behind, not meeting the set requirements.
Therefore, eating é seeds COMPLETELY 100% DOESN’T cause weight gain. You can rest assured to use basil seeds to make your favorite healthy weight loss foods and beverages.

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4. Some effective and simple weight loss dishes with basil seeds?

4.1 Drinking basil seeds directly reduces belly fat

  • 60g of elm seeds
  • 250g white sugar
  • Pure water
  • Ice
  • Sesame seeds soak in warm water for 15 minutes to soften the seeds
  • Put basil seeds in a pot with pure water and white sugar
  • Put the pot of fenugreek seeds on the stove, boil for 30 minutes. Cook and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved
  • Boiled basil seeds, turn off the heat, let cool
  • Pour into a glass, add ice cubes, stir well and enjoy


4.2 Honey lemon juice with seeds

  • 60g of elm seeds
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1/2 lemon
  • Pure water
  • Soak basil seeds in cold water for 15 minutes to make them soft
  • Squeeze the lemon juice and put it in a glass
  • Pour pure water into a cup of lemon juice
  • Next, put the soaked basil seeds + honey in a glass and stir all the ingredients together
  • Add ice cubes to the cup, stir until the ice melts and enjoy


With honey lemon juice, you should drink it before breakfast or 30 minutes before lunch.

4.3 Tapioca starch water with seeds

  • Sesame seeds soak for 15 minutes in warm water to soften them
  • Put tapioca flour in a pot with 500ml of purified water
  • Stir until the tapioca starch dissolves in the water
  • Put the pot of tapioca flour on the stove and proceed to boil for 10 minutes
  • Tapioca starch water boils, lower the heat, put the seeds + white sugar in the pot and cook for another 5 minutes
  • While boiling, stir well until the mixture of cassava juice and seeds is smooth together
  • Turn off the stove, lower the pot of cassava juice with seeds on the table and let it cool
  • Pour into a glass, add ice cubes, stir until ice melts and enjoy


Tapioca juice with basil seeds can be used during the day. But it is best to drink it in the morning after breakfast.

4.4 Juice of basil seeds and kumquat

  • 60g of elm seeds
  • 6 kumquats
  • 25g black tea
  • 200g white sugar
  • Pure water
  • Sesame seeds soaked in warm water for 15 minutes to soften
  • 5 kumquats, cut out the kumquat juice, remove the seeds. The remaining 1 kumquat is sliced thinly
  • Put the black tea in a pot with 300ml of water and proceed to boil the black tea
  • Pour black tea through a sieve, filter out the tea body, get the tea juice
  • Pour tea juice into the pot, add é seeds + kumquat juice + white sugar. Stir until the sugar dissolves
  • Boil the black tea mixture for 15 minutes
  • The black tea mixture boils, turn off the heat, lower the pot to the table, let it cool
  • Put ice cubes in a cup with thinly sliced kumquats
  • Pour the black tea mixture into the cup, stir until the ice dissolves and enjoy


With black tea, you should use it after each meal.

5. Who should not use é seeds?

Although it is an extremely healthy nutritional nut. But not everyone is suitable for using é seeds. Here are some objects that should not use é seeds:
  • People with digestive disorders: People with digestive disorders are advised not to use basil seeds. The seeds have a strong ability to absorb water and swell when soaked. When eating, it will cause abdominal distension, bloating, and indigestion
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Basil seeds can have negative effects on the fetus and pregnant women. They seriously affect the development of the fetus and cause harm to the fetus
  • People with cardiovascular disease and hypertension: Basil seeds can cause increased heart rate, arrhythmia and increased blood pressure if used in excess. For people with a history of heart disease and blood pressure, consuming basil seeds may increase the risk of serious disease.
  • People with a history of allergies: If you are allergic or hypersensitive to basil seeds, you should avoid using it.
In addition, you can refer to more news here: https://thucphamkho.vn/tin-tuc-su-kien/

6. Conclude

Above is the entire article detailing the answer to the question how many calories are in basil seeds that Dry Food has shared the most details with readers. Calories in basil seeds are relatively low, adding basil seeds to your diet will help you lose weight quickly and effectively. However, you also need to combine with a scientific diet, regular exercise regularly. Hope this information will help you to have more useful things.
If you have any questions about the calories in basil seeds, leave your comments below in the comments and we will answer them right away.
Thank you for your complete reading of this post. Wish you soon have the slim body, the weight that you have always dreamed of.

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