(DISCLOSURE) How to make delicious, non-fishy tilapia rolls at home?


Cha ca is generally a familiar culinary dish in the rice tray of Vietnamese people. There are many kinds of delicious fish cakes such as: carp cakes, tilapia cakes, sardines, calamari, mackerel,… Each type of fish cake is made from different types of fish in the sea. chief. And perhaps, a delicious, cheap, easy-to-cook fish cake dish that many women are most interested in is tilapia. But many women have difficulty when they do not know how to make tilapia patties properly. The following article, Dried Agricultural Products will answer all the ways to make tilapia patties that are always delicious, golden and not fishy right at home.

1. What is tilapia fish cake?

Tilapia patties is a famous culinary dish in Vietnam. This dish is made from fresh tilapia fish and combined with some other spices such as: flour, green onion, dill, pork, red onion, garlic, ground pepper, egg,… Tilapia cakes are usually fried to golden brown with cooking oil and used to eat directly with hot white rice or as a drink for men.


In the process of making tilapia patties, tilapia is the most important indispensable ingredient. In order to get chewy and delicious rolls, the preliminary processing of perch must be very careful. Take only the flesh of the fish and remove the bones completely. Tilapia will then be minced along with flour and other additives. The last step is to shape and fry the fish cakes. Tilapia fish cakes when fried until golden brown can be dipped with chili sauce or chili sauce to eat very well.
Many people think that eating tilapia cakes is not good for the body. This is a completely wrong thinking. Adding tilapia patties to your family’s meal plan will help make the meal more diverse and nutritious.

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2. Nutritional value in tilapia patties?

Tilapia cake is considered a dish containing a lot of beneficial nutritional values for users. Specifically:
  • Protein: Tilapia fish cakes are an important source of protein for the body. Protein is an important substance for body growth and tissue repair
  • Fats: Tilapia patties provide monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fats. Fat is an important energy source for the body to easily absorb minerals and vitamins
  • Vitamins and minerals: Tilapia fish cake contains some important vitamins such as Vitamin B12, B6, D. Besides, some minerals are also found such as: iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus,. ..
  • Fiber: Tilapia cakes contain a small amount of fiber that comes from tilapia. Fiber will help promote intestinal digestive health, prevent constipation, bloating, difficulty digesting food
These are the nutritional values in tilapia patties. Although not many, but these nutrients are also very necessary for humans. Adding tilapia patties to your diet is a good thing.
Tilapia cakes can be easily found in the market. But for quality assurance, you can completely make tilapia patties at home. Here are the ways to make delicious, crispy and soft tilapia fish cakes at home you can refer to it.

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3. How to make tilapia patties with delicious pork

3.1 Preparation ingredients

  • 2kg tilapia
  • 300g pork fat
  • 300g fresh shrimp
  • 100g dill vegetables
  • 150g tapioca flour
  • 3 – 5 purple onions
  • 2 tablespoons fish sauce
  • White Vinegar
  • Refined salt
  • Cooking oil
  • White sugar
  • Seasoning: seasoning, main noodles, ground pepper

3.1 Preparing tilapia fish

– Step 1: Buy tilapia, you shave off the scales, cut open the belly, remove the intestines and proceed to wash the fish
– Step 2: Using a sharp knife, filter the fish body to get the whole fish meat
– Step 3: Mix a basin of dilute salt, put the filtered tilapia meat in and soak for 5 minutes with salt water to disinfect. Pick up the fish, wash the fish again under clean running water
– Step 4: Mix white vinegar with cold water, let the fish soak for 5 minutes with vinegar water to remove the fishy smell. Pick up the fish, wash the fish with clean water, drain
– Step 5: Using a clean towel, dry the tilapia meat. Then, cut the fish into small pieces for easy grinding


In addition, to save time, you can buy pre-packaged perch or ask the fishmonger to filter the fish for you.

3.2 Prepare pork fat

– Step 1: Buy pork fat, you wash it thoroughly under the tap. Let the pork fat drain
– Step 2: Cut pork fat into pomegranate seeds and put in a bowl
– Step 3: Put the bowl of pork fat into the refrigerator and store it in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours


3.3 Fresh shrimp processing

– Step 1: Buy fresh shrimp, remove the scales, shrimp head and remove the black thread on the back of the shrimp
– Step 2: Wash shrimp thoroughly under running water. Let the shrimp dry and drain


3.4 Processing other ingredients

  • Red onion peeled, washed and minced purple onion
  • Chilli washed, halved, filtered out seeds and finely chopped chili
  • Dill vegetables are washed thoroughly, cut off the roots, remove rotten leaves, yellowed, finely chopped dill

3.5 Marinated with spices

– Step 1: Put the chopped tilapia + fresh shrimp into a clean aluminum bowl
– Step 2: Add to the bowl of tilapia include: minced shallot + 2 cooking oil + 1 fish sauce + 1 seasoning + 1 main noodle + 1 sugar + 1 ground pepper
– Step 3: Wearing a nylon hand, mix all these ingredients together
– Step 4: Store the bowl of marinated tilapia in the refrigerator for about 2-3 hours for the fish to absorb the spices.


3.6 Puree fish

– Step 1: Remove the bowl of tilapia from the refrigerator. Put the diced pork fat in the tilapia bowl. Mix the pork fat with the tilapia
– Step 2: Divide the tilapia mixture into small pieces for easy grinding
– Step 3: Proceed to puree the tilapia. Each time grind from 30 seconds – 1 minute, release the machine to rest for about 15-20 seconds, then continue to grind. Grind about 4-5 times so that the fish mixture is as smooth as raw pork


After grinding any part of the fish, you put it in a bowl and quickly put it in the refrigerator to preserve it. After the fish has been completely pureed, add the chopped dill + finely chopped red pepper to the bowl of pureed persimmons. Mix well and store in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

3.7 Shaping and frying fish cakes

– Step 1: Take out the pureed tilapia mixture above. Add 150g of tapioca starch to the tilapia mixture. Mix the tapioca flour with the pureed tilapia
– Step 2: Using your hands, shape the fish cake into bite-sized pieces. You can shape it into a round, flat, or ball shape
– Step 3: Put the cooking oil in the pan and heat the oil
– Step 4: When the oil is hot, you add the fish cakes shaped above and fry until golden brown with cooking oil for 15 minutes. While frying, flip it all the way to avoid scorching
– Step 5: The fried fish is golden on both sides and fragrant, then turn off the stove and take the fish cake out on a paper with oil. Cut into small pieces and enjoy


In the step of frying fish cakes, you can fry fish cakes with just enough food for the entire family member. The remaining fish cakes, you fry until cooked, cool and drain the oil and then store in the refrigerator to use gradually. Fish cakes can be used for 10 days in the freezer and 5 days in the refrigerator.

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4. How to make unique and flexible tilapia patties

4.1 Preparation ingredients

4.2 Preliminary processing of perch

– Step 1: Buy tilapia, you wash it under the tap
– Step 2: Mix a basin of dilute salt and let the tilapia soak for 5 minutes with salt water to disinfect. Pick up the tilapia, wash the fish with clean water, drain
– Step 3: Put 25ml of white vinegar in a bowl of cold water. Stir well. Put the tilapia in and soak for 5 minutes with vinegar water to remove the fishy smell. Pick up the fish, wash the fish again
– Step 4: Using a clean towel, dry the tilapia. Then, cut the tilapia into small pieces to make it easier to puree


4.3 Prepare other ingredients

  • Wash each leaf under gentle running water to remove dirt. Let the leaves dry, drain
  • Sliced guava leaves for easy puree
  • Chili peppers cut off the stem, wash and filter the seeds. Minced chili

4.4 Marinated fish

– Step 1: Put the chopped tilapia into a clean aluminum bowl
– Step 2: Put in a bowl of tilapia including: minced shallot + 2 tablespoons cooking oil + 1 tablespoon fish sauce + minced chili + ground pepper + seasoning + main noodles + sugar
– Step 3: Wear plastic gloves and proceed to mix the seasoning with the fish
– Step 4: Store the perch aluminum bowl in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours to infuse


4.5 Puree fish

– Step 1: Remove the bowl of tilapia from the refrigerator. Put in a bowl of tilapia, including: minced pork shoulder + chopped bay leaves. Mix well with tilapia
– Step 2: Divide the tilapia mixture into small pieces for easy grinding
– Step 3: Proceed to puree the tilapia. Each time grind from 30 seconds – 1 minute, release the machine to rest for about 15-20 seconds, then continue to grind. Grind about 4-5 times so that the fish mixture is as smooth as raw pork


After grinding any part of the fish, you put it in a bowl and quickly put it in the refrigerator to preserve for 3 hours.

4.6 Shaping fish cakes

– Step 1: Take out the pureed tilapia mixture. Add to the tilapia mixture 100g of tapioca starch. Mix the tapioca flour with the pureed tilapia
– Step 2: Take a sufficient amount of fish cake, use your hands to round it and then flatten it into the palm of your hand. Mix all ingredients by hand


4.7 Steamed and fried tilapia patties

– Step 1: Put the water in the steamer and put the pot on the stove to boil
– Step 2: Apply a layer of cooking oil to the steamer
– Step 3: Put the finished fish cake into the steaming basket and proceed to steam the fish cake for 15 minutes.
– Step 4: Take the fish cake out on a plate
– Step 5: Put the cooking oil in the pan and heat the oil
– Step 6: When the oil is hot, put the steamed fish balls in and fry them until golden brown on both sides for 15 minutes. While frying, turn over to avoid burning
– Step 7: Fried fish cake is golden, take it out on a plate, let it cool, cut into small pieces and enjoy


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5. How many calories in tilapia? Heard that eating a lot makes you gain weight?

We have just learned in detail about 2 ways to make delicious, non-fishy tilapia patties right at home. Tilapia fish cake is a very delicious dish that many women are also very worried about when they do not know how many calories in tilapia cake? According to research from the National Institute of Nutrition said:
  • In 100g of tilapia patties (equivalent to 3 pieces) provides about 170 calories for the body
With a calorie count of 170 calories per 100 grams of tilapia patties, many women are very worried when they don’t know “Will eating a lot of tilapia cake gain weight?”. The answer is “No. Eating fish cakes does not gain weight”. Cause because:
  • An adult will need to consume at least 2,000 calories per day to maintain the body’s vital activities. Meanwhile, 100 grams of tilapia patties only provide 170 grams. To get enough 2,000 calories, you will have to consume about 1,100 – 1,300kg of tilapia patties. This is completely impossible. So, every day, you can consume about 200g of tilapia patties, which is the best. This will not affect your weight at all.
Although tilapia patties did not directly affect the weight index. But if you consume too much fish cake in one meal or eat continuously for many days, you will definitely gain weight out of control.

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6. Conclude

Recently, Dried Agricultural Products showed you how to make delicious, simple, and non-fishy tilapia patties right at home. Hopefully, with tilapia patties, your family will become more diverse and richer. Wish you always success!

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