What is the effect of taro? Distinguish taro and taro


Taro is a very familiar type of potato and is processed into many delicious dishes such as soup, cake, … very rustic, delicious, fragrant and attractive. To better understand what taro is and the effects of taro, please follow the article below of thucphamkho.vn!

1. What is Taro?

Taro is a plant grown for its tubers belonging to the Ayaceae (Mon family). This type of potato usually grows in humid tropical or subtropical countries such as India, Malaysia, … and even Vietnam.
With taro, we can process many attractive dishes that are extremely rustic and familiar. Like from boiled taro with sugar to cooking taro cake, stewed taro soup, braised taro meat,… all are delicious.
In Vietnam, botanists have discovered many varieties of taro such as purple vertical taro, white vertical taro, purple vertical taro, turmeric taro, mountain taro, etc. white skull.


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2. Distinguish taro and taro

Taro and taro are both plants of the species Colocasia esculenta, grown for their tubers, including 2 types of bulbs and tubers. Although they belong to the same family of potatoes, they also have some different characteristics:
While taro gives many tubers, big. Each taro weighs about 1.5 – 2kg and has very few tubers, smooth brown skin, taro plants give more tubers. Each bulb is as small as a fist, the skin is light brown, with thin, long hairs.
However, in some localities, people still often call taro as taro and there is no distinction between these two types of potatoes.

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3. The effect of taro

Rich in nutrients
According to the USDA, in 142 grams of boiled taro contains the following nutrients:
  • Calories: 200 kcal
  • Fiber: 7.24 gr, Protein: 0.7 gr, Fat: 0.2 gr
  • Carbohydrates: 48.8 g
  • Calcium: 25.6 mg
  • Magnesium: 42.6 mg
  • Phosphorus: 108 mg
  • Potassium: 683 mg
  • Vitamin C: 7.1 mg
  • Vitamin B6: 0.5 mg
  • Vitamin A: 5.68 mcg

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3.1 The effect of taro to reduce the risk of heart disease

There is scientific evidence that a high-fiber diet can improve cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. On average, one cup of boiled taro provides more than 7 grams of fiber.
Additionally, a 2013 mouse study concluded that taro is rich in fiber. Rats that ate taro along with a high-fat meal had significantly lower total cholesterol levels than other mice. This suggests that the fiber found in taro can help control cholesterol levels.

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3.2 Effects to help lose weight

Obesity is also one of the factors that contribute to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and many other diseases. However, fiber has the ability to control weight and type 2 diabetes.
In one study, the same high-fat diet, but rats that ate a lot of taro, gained less weight than those that didn’t. This can be explained by the fiber content in taro affects
Another experiment in 2012 also showed that a high-fiber diet like taro can prevent weight gain. Therefore, instead of you wondering “is eating taro fat? Then add taro to your meal right away.

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3.3 The effect of improving blood pressure

In addition to fiber, taro also provides a lot of potassium. Many studies have found a link between blood pressure and dietary potassium. A 2013 study found that people who ate more foods with a higher potassium intake had a significantly lower risk of developing high blood pressure.
This is of great concern because high blood pressure increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. When you eat foods rich in potassium, potassium dilates blood vessels. This makes it easier for the heart to pump blood around the body.
tac dung khoai so
The effect of taro

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3.4 The effect of containing many antioxidants

Taro contains vitamin C and vitamin A, both of which are antioxidants, important compounds that help the body get rid of free radicals. If too many free radicals accumulate in the body, oxidative stress will occur causing cell damage and other health related diseases.
By consuming taro, you can reduce your risk of cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, vision loss and cardiovascular problems.

See also: Buy quality taro in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City

4. Peeled taro is itchy what to do? How to peel taro without itching

It is a favorite food of housewives, but there are things that we still do not understand well about taro such as how to choose to buy, how to peel potatoes without itching and delicious dishes from this tuber. See details below

1. How to choose to buy taro

  • Observe the shape
With a small appearance like a chicken egg, taro has a rough skin and many antennae. For new taro, there is also a thin layer of soil on the skin.
You should not choose potatoes that are spoiled, have black spots on the face or have rotted. In addition, you should distinguish it from taro which is a long, large tuber to avoid buying the wrong one.
  • Observe the size

Normally, we often think that large fruits will be more delicious and beneficial, but for taro, medium and small tubers are really delicious!

  • Observe the type of tubers

You should not buy taro with only 1 tuber per plant, but should choose the type that grows in clusters. When the potatoes are new, you should choose the female tuber (the biggest one in the bunch) because the tuber is usually firmer, fleshy, sweet, and tastier than the young one. And when taro is old, you should choose young ones instead of old ones that will no longer taste good.

2. What to do when peeling taro is itchy?

  • Use vinegar

For people with sensitive skin. When peeling taro, not only the hands but the whole body itches. To relieve this discomfort, you can mix two tablespoons of vinegar with water and shower will feel more comfortable.

  • Use salt water mixed with lemon juice

Soak your hands for 15 minutes with a mixture of dilute salt water with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to help reduce the itching sensation.

  • Raise your hand over the fire

Extremely simple but also requires care. You turn on the gas stove on low heat and heat your hands evenly for about 1 minute, you will feel comfortable right away.

  • Use green banana leaves

When using green banana leaves, you can crush and rub banana leaves on the itchy skin for 10 minutes to help keep your hands from itching.

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3. How to peel taro without itching

  • Keep your hands dry when peeling

The easiest way to avoid itching when peeling taro is to keep your hands dry before peeling. When you buy potatoes, leave them unwashed. In addition, you must dry your hands thoroughly before peeling. When peeling potatoes, soak the potatoes in dilute salt water for 10 minutes, then wash and dry.

  • Use nylon or cloth gloves

To keep your hands carefree when peeling potatoes without itching, you can use nylon or cloth gloves. If nylon gloves are convenient, can be discarded after use, do not need to be washed, cloth gloves also help protect the skin of the hands. Help reduce waste and be more environmentally friendly!

got khoai khong bi ngua
Peel taro without itching
  • Lightly bake the potatoes before peeling them

You put the taro in foil, wrap it well and then put it on the stove to bake for about 2-3 minutes until the potatoes burn all the plastic. Then you peel the taro and you’re done without causing itching.

  • Boil the taro before peeling it

Just like the way to bake, put the potatoes in the pot with 2 teaspoons of salt and the amount of water to cover the surface of the potatoes. Then boil the potatoes for 10 minutes on high heat. The high temperature will help the plastic in the potato to decompose. When the potatoes are cooked, put them in a bowl of cold water to reduce the heat and then start peeling.

  • Do not let the potatoes get wet when peeling

In addition to keeping your hands dry, you should let the taro dry completely before peeling. When peeling the taro, you soak the potatoes with dilute salt for 10 minutes. In particular, when soaking potatoes, do not put your hands directly in to avoid itching. After soaking, rinse the potatoes with clean water and let them dry.

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4. Delicious dishes from taro

  • Duck cooked with taro

Duck meat is soft, absorbent, not too tough, well made without bad smell. Taro has a fatty, fleshy, aromatic taste. Both ingredients seem impossible to combine, but when cooked together, they are indescribably delicious.

canh vit khoai so
Taro duck soup
  • Crispy fried taro cake

To make a delicious snack, taro is deep fried and fried with a very mouth-watering meat. Deep-fried taro with a crispy golden crust on the outside. Inside is taro with a fleshy, greasy taste. Or when mixed with meat, it is rich, salty and sweet. Eating with chili sauce can’t be faulted.

  • Taro cake with green bean paste

The cake is steamed until cooked, the outer layer of potatoes is soft and fragrant. The green bean paste inside is greasy, extremely attractive. When eating, let it cool down a bit, it won’t be mushy, so it’s delicious!

  • Taro soup

Taro when cooked with chicken or bones still retains its characteristic fleshy and aromatic flavor. In addition, the chicken was tender, the bone broth was soft and juicy. Regardless of the combination of ingredients, you will have a delicious taro soup for the family.

canh khoai so
Sweet potato soup
With short, easy to understand information, you have learned many interesting things about taro and its effects. In addition, with just simple, easy-to-remember information, you can choose to buy the right taro roots, how to peel taro without itching and delicious dishes from taro that are worth trying at home.
See more useful information at Dung Ha Agricultural Products website

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